Saturday, May 26, 2012

Roses with pen

i was so bored of flowers I tried doing something different and use a pen. I don't quite like the look of it. Too artificial I think, but it was fun.

Heinkel He.219 A-2/R1

I'm aware three antennas in the front are missing, but I just didn't feel like drawing them. The wings look a little crooked, but I swear they looked like that in the book I drew it from.

McDonnell-Douglas F-15A Eagle

trying a different way to make the shadows. Using the pen as it was pencil. More little soft lines that actually real lines. Just passing by the sheet instead of painting on it.

Spad S.VII

I like World War I planes, they are so elegant. Though, my favourite is the Fokker Dr1 . It was the first model I made, I should draw it some day.

Grumman A-6A Intruder

As you can see this time I decided not go with the silhouette thing again. It made the drawing look a little childish I think.

Sukhoi Su-19

I liked this plane because it reminds me of a F-14. The whole cabinet design has nothing to do with that plane, but the wings configuration reminded me of it. I'm very fond of that plane because I did a model of it. I think I forgot to erase the pencil under the pen.

Vought F7U-3M Cutlass

Here I decided to mark with a bigger pen the silhouette of the plane. Just to make something a little different

Messerschmitt Bf.110 C-1

I even drew the drawing the original plane where the image comes from had because I thought it went so well with the whole design. You can see I was a little more confident with the shadows this time.

Northrop P-61B Black Widow

First plane I drew. Man, I was so scared to do the shadows with the pen

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ghost trapped

I know I was studying while doing this one, but I can't remember for what. I think it was made on around the same date as the girl in the cross. Obviously it was inspired by The Corpse Bride.
She's trapped in that graveyard because of the cross on the top. That's all I know. (The moon was just a little touch of humour).

Girl in Cross

I drew this while studying for Economics. My grandfather was in the hospital. I couldn't stay with him because of my finals. So I kept thinking on him, and I think that's why this drawing has kind of a religious look


Done while doing Stadistics. I think it took like 15 minutes or so. I didn't think what I was doing, so you can see the style is a little different and somethings are weird, like the wings and the hair.
She is a particular vision of a driade. I'm writing a book in which I include her. It's more in contact with nature, not just the trees, that's why she looks half animal half human. I really don't quite know. She looks half naked, but if I had planed this drawing, I would have made it like more leaves or something. I just finished it fast because I had to study, as always


She is not finish yet, but I thought maybe I could put just the face while I wait for inspiration for doing the body. I think I made her while studying for "Resistance of Materials". I failed that test. Lucky for me I did passed the final.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pan's Labyrinth - Pan (Doug Jones)

 I love "El laberinto del Fauno". It's one of my favourites, so I made myself a bag with the pan on it. It was my first attend on material, so you can see how I got better the more I painted. Hope you like it.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Inkheart - Dustfinger (Paul Bettany)

Here it is scanned. It looks a little bit better. I had troubles drawing the mouth, as you can see. I'll have to repeat it some day.

Drawing Dustfinger

I should do this more often. I took pictures of the drawing as it was getting better because I like Dustfinger so much I thought it might be cool see how the pencil was creating him.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Star Trek:Voyager - Tuvok (Tim Russ)

I'm a Trekkie, and Tuvok is one of my favourite characters from "Star Trek: Voyager". I love his voice and the great chief of security that he is. I'm not too happy about the eyes, they are too big.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Pillars of the Earth

I didn't like "The pillars of the earth" that much, but I love this scene. It's awful sad, and that's why I like it: all you get from here is sadness. I like when an image is capable of that.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Willow - Madmartigan (Val Kilmer)

I love the character of Madmartigan, and he so handsome. I know the hair look weird, but if you watch the movie you'll see it kind of look like that (kind of). The mouth could look better, I think

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Avatar - Jake Sully (Sam Worthington)

I loved the movie. Jake Sully fascinated me so much I did this the day after I watched it. A shame I didn't calculate good and cut part of the head.

Angel Watching

A scketch I made while studying for "Theory of Machines", I think. Not shadows and didn't use the erasor much, so it's not finish, but I'm gonna leave it this way. I kind of like the idea of the wings, but not too happy about them. You'll see I love to draw angels. Women are easier to draw, and way more fun, and the angels have the wings and feathers that make it so fun to try different stuff with.


I think they are lilys. I like drawing flowers. When I was learning to draw I always did them because they are so easy. They don't even have to be exactly as you see them, that's the fun. Anytime I want to do a drawing for someone and I don't know what to do, I go with flowers. They'll always look good


The first one just to make this blog look like there is actually something on it
I never realise how much fun are dragons to draw until I drew this one. It is not original. If you look for "dragon" in google it should appear the image of the original picture I took it from, but I'm still very proud of it.