Friday, June 22, 2012

Making Gotye

I came to know this "Somebody I Used to Know" thanks to the awesome cover performed by "Walk off the Earth", and I loved it almost immediately. Every time I listen to it I feel inspire.It's such a powerful song! It describes emotions so good. And Gotye's eyes are beautiful, actually it's the way he looks at the camera: so sad, so much emotion into it... So I had to draw him singing this song because I'm addicted to that YouTube video.

Hellboy II - Princess Nuala (Anna Walton)

I think this actress is much beautiful with this make up that in real life. Here she looks so pretty. I really love the princess as well as her brother. I actually love this movie.

Hellboy II - Prince Nuada (Luke Goss)

I absolutely love this character, and his accent, and how he moves. I was in love the whole movie. So I had to draw him

Master and Commander - Tom Pullings (James D'Arcy)

Close to the end of the movie, here is where you can best see him I think.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Basket with Flowers

This is an old drawing I made. The basket is one that we have in my house and the flowers are based on Emilio Freixas' drawings.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


And this is what happens when I'm in weird moods. Angels and fantasy worlds get eaten by darkness. Sci-fi movies and films are my favourites. She's been stock for quite a while actually, but I might finish her when I get back to the mood I was when I first drew her (kind of difficult, but I just need to remember what I was thinking). She's got quite a story ahead, and other that explains her actual condition stuck with so many cables going through her brain...
If you are wondering, the 25 is because I did her while studying for "Fluids Mechanics" and I like to number the pages I've covered studying. I didn't realice I was using a numbered sheet until the drawing was too advanced for me to do it in another page.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Hugh (Jonathan Del Arco)

I said Seven of Nine was not my favourtie borg. That's because Hugh is the first borg that came out of the collective (besides Picard, of course). I'll post the drawing once it's finished.

Thursday, June 7, 2012