Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Little Fairy B&W

It looks kind of cool like this, I think, but you miss some of the shadows you ge to see in the "grey" scan.

Little Fairy

Sketch of a fairy done while waiting for an oral exam of German. When I do sketches I like to try different things that might look weird, like the wings, but I'm quite happy with the results

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Life Portrait of Gabriel

These last few days I was in Salamanca with a friend, whose portrait you have here. Gabriel was kind enough to stay still for almost an hour reading and writing while I was doing this drawing. So here it is that she has become the first life portrait I've done (besides a self portrait I once had to do for an art class with  mirror). I'm not quite happy with the nose because I think she moved a little while making the shadows, but I love the hair, even though it was quite difficult to do because both the shirt and hair were black and the place where we were didn't have good light.The body looks a little weird, but I decided to leave it as it is because I was taking a little too long to finish it. I want to thank my model, whose signature is on the left side of this picture, for her patient and the wonderful time I had.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Gotye - Somebody that I Used to Know

Now I realice that his eyes are what I find the most fascinating of him. That's why I painted them green and left the rest of the drawing as it was.