Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

I did this while listening to the song "How Strange" by Emilie Autumn. She is some kind of mixture between a witch and a scarecrow (don't ask me why I know she has something of scarecrow in her because I just know). I made her in 15 min hearing the song over and over. That's why the details are a little fast and the hands are just kind of a sketch: I didn't want to take the time to draw them because they were no important for the drawing itself. Besides, I think this way they fit her better. I think she is pretty and scary in a way. Probably she would give nightmares to little kids, but I like her.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Motorcycle - Hardley Davidson "Fat Boy"

I made if for a friend and I lost the picture from where I did the drawing. I hope you like it.