Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I want to apologyce, but until I get access to a scan this is the best I can give you. I'll finish it when I pass my german exam, which is Thursday. Hope you'll like it once it's finished.

Monday, September 17, 2012

"Kara" by Quantic Dream

Please allow me introduce you to my new project: KARA. I saw her story, and I had to draw her. Not only like this, but with different expressions. It's going to be tough, but I'm up for it (it's tough because it's neither a drawing, nor a picture, it's half way in between).
As I said I don't have access to a scan yet, so I'll be uploading photos taken by my camera of my drawings of KARA. I hope you like them. So far I've only done the sketch, but once I pass my German exam I'll finish this drawing.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Heroes VI - Mermaid

This Mermaid is a present fro my followers. She is from a game called "Heroes of Might and Magic VI", and inspired the other two original drawings I uploaded of mermaids. I hope you like the touches of red I kept from the original and how I played with the scan's contrast so the whole drawing would look darker, which seemed to suit this mermaid. I love the looks of her.
So, why a present? I'm no longer in Spain. I'm in Germany with an ERASMUS scholarship. I made this before leaving for my parents to have a little present from me when they returned home from the airport, and I scanned so you might have it as well. So I won't be able to upload new drawings for a long time because I won't have an access to a scan for the new drawings I may make. I know I usually don't update that much, and maybe nobody really cares, but I know there is at least a couple of people who do follow my blog even f it doesn't show on the "Followers list" (Yes, I know it is empty). For those who don't know me, but like my drawings I'll still upload some old drawings now and then (some that I scanned before leaving my home), and I may try to either find a scan in my university (I'm sure there must be one somewhere, I just don't know where yet) or maybe take pictures o with my camera of the drawings I make and update those. They won't be as good as a scan, but it will be something until I get to go home and scan the pictures and update them.
I hope you like this Mermaid. I love how she is somehow terrifying.