Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sketch of Danielle

5/31/12 12:23 PM
 Instead of studying for "Industrial Heating and Cooling" I was drawing her. She is not finish yet, but I wanted to post her because I'm about to erase some of the things I had to draw to make her, and I kind of like the look she has now.

6/2/12 1:10 AM
 Just thinking why not to put her again before she's finish. I fixed her right shoulder a little.

6/14/12 10:46 PM
Ok. I didn't like how the hands were looking, so I fixed one and I erased the other one. She's almost finished. I just need to draw the hand and fix some little details and she'll be done.


As you can see it took me a lot to finish her. I guess it was because I knew all the hard work was already done and also because I was scared to mess up the drawing by making a weird-looking hand or something. I'm quite proud of this drawing because of the perspective, the hair and the clothes. The arms look pretty nice, but the shoulders and neck are unrealistic, and, as always, the head is too big for her body. This time it's not too much, but still I think the proportions are not too well-done. This represents a scene from the book I'm always talkign about and I'll never write.

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