Monday, May 13, 2013

A Pin-up for Tomás

Yes, I know: this girls seems familiar to another one I drew for a friend (go to A Pin-up for Jorge). It's the same one, actually. A friend of mine saw the drawing of the pin-up I had made for Jorge¡s birthday and asked if I would draw one for him. I said "sure, I'll show you all the pictures I collected and you choose the one you like the most". Well, he chose this model. I told him since it was the same model I wasn't going to do the same drawing twice, but I would keep my word of making the pin-up he had chosen. So I used the same model, but, as you can see, I did some changes in the clothing and her expression and also in the way I drew her, like this time everything was made with pen and no pencil was used. Anyhow, I hope you like it. I'm pretty proud of this one because I think it's an improvement compared to the one I did for Jorge. I guess because this time I allowed myself to go a little wild in some points and I also had more time to do it.

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