Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Struggle between science and fantasy

So in this page that I found today you can see my struggle: while studying to be an Engineer, I'm always wondering if I would be better off as an artist. This strange fairly-looking sketch was made while studying electricity (as you can see for the math). Both the math and the sketch are rough and were done fast... and none are outstanding, but they are pretty good taking into account the time I took to practice any of them
(I got the highest grade in my class with a 85% in this subject while studying for it only for two weeks and the drawing isn't bad either and took me five minutes)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Learning to use Gimp

Guess who's learning to use Gimp

I still have a lot to work on this cat lady, but I wanted to show it here since it's been a while since I last posted anything. I did it this afternoon on my first attempt to use this program... so I'm pretty hapy with the result so far

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Cowboy Bebop - Swordfish II

So, believe it or not, this is a top I did for myself with an old t-shirt and some material paint... I absolutely love this ship. So of course I needed to do something cool like this, it only happens every once in a while that I find something I really want to do for myself artistically and this was one of those times. It turned out OK, although I am not entirely proud because of one of the wings..., but close enough. I've worn it a couple of times and I love it!!
I used this image and another I can't find anymore on google (I swear I've tried) as a reference for this.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Ergo Proxy - Pino

She's my favorite character from the anime... so I've always wanted to draw her since I started watching it. I made this bookmark for a friend as a gift because Pino was also his favorite character and we both enjoyed watching "Ergo Proxy" when we were in Stuttgart (he was the one who introduced me to it).
I hope you guys like it. It's based on the image that appears in the intro, but I tried to use the colors that she has during the anime instead of the strong contrast she shows in the intro. I used other images as reference for the bottom and the back.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

StarCraft II - Sarah Kerrigan

Working of her... I absolutely love this character and even her story arc... she's awesome

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Found old drawing... what was I thinking?

Unfinished drawing of what appears to be a girl training and trying to look like a Chun-Li rip off. You can guess I didn't finish this one... Although I have no idea where I was going with her clothes, I like the "unique" design... and the legs are looking good.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Angel Prayer ("Favole: Stone Tears" - Victoria Francés)

The original is not mine. I drew this from a trilogy called "Favole" written and illustrated by the Spanish artist Victoria Francés (The original can be found in page 3 of the first book).
I don't like the face or the hands, and I'm not too happy with the grave stones, but I love the clothing and the wings. I think I was able to give movement to the drawing of a statue.