Saturday, June 27, 2015

A Pin-up for Chris

First, allow me to say I'm against the stereotyping of Latina/Spanish women. This is meant to be a woman surrounded by the things I was expecting to find in the birthday party I was going to.
The birthday party was Latino-themed... and since it was a guy, I thought he might enjoy this drawing, specially because since I didn't know him too well I thought at least he would find it nice. He liked it quite a lot, like some other guests as well.
This is based on a pin-up you can find easily in google, but I decided to make her more attractive, add the tequila bottle and make her hair much more fun. I just wanted s "Latino-themed" pin-up, and I think I pretty much got her right.
I'm quite happy with the final result... and she looks so beautiful and menacing. I like it.

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