Friday, November 30, 2012

Flowers in 20min

I know I'm not an artist, but a perfectionist that knows how to draw which makes me try to do anything the best I can, but I just can't make it as good as an artist would do. I know I'm not, but there are some days that I can see that at least I'm talented. I've got a gift, not a big one, but a good one. I made this drawing in 20min, and even flowers are the easiest thing in the world and these look a little weird, I'm pretty proud of myself.
The story is that yesterday I found out at 8.30pm that I had missed my flatmate's birthday. We were having a meeting at 9pm to talk about the chores of the house. So I got into the computer, googled the word "flowers" and during 10min looked for something that convinced me. If I have had more time, I would have searched for something a little bit better, but I didn't.  Then in 20min I didn't draw those flowers, but a sketch based on them because I didn't have the time to do them perfectly. So decided to trust mi instinct and draw leaves and petals based on the flowers I had on my screen, and the shadows were kind of made up as well because I didn't have time to do them carefully.
At the end it turned up pretty decently. I gave it to her and she seemed to like it, but I'm not sure. At least I tried to undo my little mistake.

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