Sunday, May 19, 2013

Stracraft II - Jim Raynor

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the most challenging drawing by pencil I've done in my life so far. The funny thing is that the reason behind it being so complicated is the fact that it might be the most realistic portrait I've done so far with the sweat and specially all the wrinkles  It's funny because it's not even a real person o r a picture, but it's a pencil drawing of a computer drawing. Although if you thing about it, this is Jim Raynor plain an simple, while actors and such have always make up to cover the imperfections and their pictures might even have been through a little photoshopping. Actually, I think this is the first time I draw wrinkles and  my second attempt to draw beard. By the way, I went a little bit crazy on the hair and it isn't like on the original because for some reason if I didn't do a little on my own it looked fake.
He's Jim Raynor, one of my friend's favourite character from "Starcraft". So I made this drawing for him on his birthday and I wanted to be very accurate because this is one of my best friends right now. I hope you like it because, guys, I'm soooo proud of this one you can't even imagine. I wanted to draw it for so long, and I finally got the excuse.
By the way, notice that the hardest drawing is still the Apollo V, that was made by pen, and the hardest art project is, and probably will always be because of its complexity and time I had to spare on it, the Pan from "Pan's Labyrinth" made by acrylics.

Made with: H2 (sketch), HB and Mechanical Pencil (details on helmet), B2 (shadows on helmet and face, features, sweat, any type of hair...), B3 (eyes, little touches on the eye-browns), B5 (thick shadows inside helmet), and Janus 2160 (hologram and blue details).

Monday, May 13, 2013


In the webside just said something about a nice poster. So I only know it's a F-16 because of the tail and engine configuration, plus the body gave me the idea that it was of the F series (It actually looks like I know what I'm talking about, right? Sometimes I even fool myself). Anyhow, I did this a couple of months ago, but waited a long time to scan it and put it here because I was lazy. It ain't my best plane drawing, but I'm ok with it since I did it in an afternoon in the middle of my finals.

A Pin-up for Richi

Yes, today is "Pin-up's day". This friend absolutely needed this drawing for sure. He's kind of a lady's man, you know. So it's kind of an inside joke. I didn't like much this model, but she was the second best I could find. So here it is. I'm pretty happy with the whatever that blue thing might be, and the pillow; the hair is pretty neat too, but I don't like it and neither her face. I'm pretty ok with the legs though.
Anyhow, hopefully I won't be making more of these in a long time because I kind of had it with the pin-ups, though they are nice to draw... sometimes

A Pin-up for Tomás

Yes, I know: this girls seems familiar to another one I drew for a friend (go to A Pin-up for Jorge). It's the same one, actually. A friend of mine saw the drawing of the pin-up I had made for Jorge¡s birthday and asked if I would draw one for him. I said "sure, I'll show you all the pictures I collected and you choose the one you like the most". Well, he chose this model. I told him since it was the same model I wasn't going to do the same drawing twice, but I would keep my word of making the pin-up he had chosen. So I used the same model, but, as you can see, I did some changes in the clothing and her expression and also in the way I drew her, like this time everything was made with pen and no pencil was used. Anyhow, I hope you like it. I'm pretty proud of this one because I think it's an improvement compared to the one I did for Jorge. I guess because this time I allowed myself to go a little wild in some points and I also had more time to do it.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturn V (Apollo XI) for Kit (in pieces)


Saturn V (Apollo XI) for Kit

Never, ever again I'm doing this crap. It took me more than I expected to complete this replica of the Apollo V rocket that took mankind for the first time to the moon, and I'm so done with it. It took to much time, although he liked it a lot. I guess that was a reward.

Here it's the finished look when I put together all the pieces with all the characteristics and all parts labelled. Of course I took this information out of a poster that I found in the Internet. Before I started this drawing I had no idea about any of these things. Well, actually, a funny thing to say is that I did knew most of the technical words because of "Star Trek"