Saturday, June 1, 2013

Black Rock Shooter

So, this is a drawing I made of Black Rock Shooter, but I didn't copy any existent drawing, so that's why it's labelled as "Original Drawing" and "Out of other drawings". I watch the OVA and the series this week, and I've fallen in love with this character. I don't know why, but it's got a lot of power, and so does the song it inspired. So that's why I had to draw her.
This drawing is awful, I know. I don't do manga. So this is a mixture of styles, and you can see where my flaws are: the hair, specially the ponytail to the right, the face, and the foot to the left. So, basically, I didn't fake good enough the manga style and the perspective sucks. Funny thing is that it wasn't meant to be an elaborated drawing, and that's why I post it: because it turned out better than I expected. A proof of how little faith I had on it is the fact that it was made at the back of some notes from last semester. You can still see what's written on the other side of the sheet.
Anyhow, this is what came to my mind while listening to the song and watching the images. So I hope you appreciate that it was just an experiment, although I might try to make an adaptation to my style of Black Rock Shooter. I don't know, I'm a little obsessed with the character now.

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