Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Blue-eye Cat from Tumblr

First drawing here in the UK. I realized I need a lamp because the light I get from the windows or the lights in the ceiling is crap and I almost went blind trying to get the shadows and everything right, although I muss admit I was only trying to capture the eyes, everything else wasn't that much of importance. And I'm pretty happy with the final result... at least taking into account it's been a while since my last drawing.
I should repeat it some day with better light, more time and patience. By the way, as model I used this picture I found in tumblr. Aren't those eyes something?
Sorry for the crappy quality, but I don't have a scanner here, so this is a picture I took with my phone. Unless something changes, I'm afraid that this is going to be the only way for me to upload pcitures in a long time... unless I upload some old ones.
I hope you like it and that you've had a great weekend!

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