Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Andromeda Ascendant - "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda"

I tried watching this show, but it was too corny for me. I don't know the whole set was pretty lame and I couldn't see past the first few episodes because I couldn't take it knowing it was supposed to come from the same person who had created Star Trek, although Roddenberry was long dead when this show came out. So I guess maybe he was the one missing from the spirit of this show. I don't know. The ship looked pretty awesome though. So I decided to give it a try, although I have to admit half the time I was just drawing lines and shadows not really knowing what I was doing.

1 comment:

  1. When this TV series appeared I was a kid and I liked it a lot, especially because it was also Kevin Sorbo (Hercules). But over the years, I kept looking for fans of this TV show and to my disappointment, all I found were groups of people saying what you said. And the problem is that, now that I sit and think about it... you are right.
