Sunday, October 25, 2015

Starships coming up

Hey! A couple of months ago I was asked by a friend to do a starship to put on his wall to help decorating his room. Because he didn't ask for a specific ship, and past experiences has whown me not to go too big on projects like this with people I don't know too much, I decided to do four different ships and let him choose the one he wanted while I would keep the other three to decorate my room.
This game me the perfect excuse to draw some stuff I've always wanted to draw, have a project that would occupy my afternoons and go back to my drawing. So it was a great experience. I don't have a scanner here, so sadly the pictures I'll upload have a bad quality, but I'll be posting the ships I drew for him.
I had a great time doing them, and I hope you guys enjoy them as well =)

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