Thursday, December 27, 2012

KARA- finished

And finally she's finished. I had troubles with the scanner. Enough troubles for not being too happy with the result (have you notice a side is lighter than the other?). I love this drawing because of the neck, mouth and the face itself. The eyelashes were hard, and so were the eyes because she had them in a way that looked unnatural in paper.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

KARA more defined

Well, now she's got eyes. I've marked where the face ends, and I've changed a little the mouth

League of Legends - Nocturne

I made this to a friend for his birthday. I'm not too happy with the result, but taking in account I don't usually use colour pencils and I didn't have the exact colours to make it, it's not bad. I updated a picture of the drawing, which is the best I could get since I gave it to him today. I hope you like it

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


6/18/12 12:48
I'm not a real fan of her music, though she has some songs I really enjoy listening to, but I think she's pretty. Definitely worth drawing her because of the kind of beauty she posses. I don't know how to explain it. Anyhow, I'm trying something new, more contrast. Let's see how it looks once it's finished.


It doesn't quite look like her. I'm afraid maybe the shadow of the mouth changed her expression so she doesn't look as much as Rihanna as she did in the previous drawing. Anyhow, I like the look of the contrast. Man! I'm too lazy. I should draw more often. Oh! Yeah! That's right! I don't have the time to do so. Well, hopefully I'll finish her in a couple of months, ok? (Yes, months, I've got other projects in mind as well. Sorry)

Friday, November 30, 2012

Flowers in 20min

I know I'm not an artist, but a perfectionist that knows how to draw which makes me try to do anything the best I can, but I just can't make it as good as an artist would do. I know I'm not, but there are some days that I can see that at least I'm talented. I've got a gift, not a big one, but a good one. I made this drawing in 20min, and even flowers are the easiest thing in the world and these look a little weird, I'm pretty proud of myself.
The story is that yesterday I found out at 8.30pm that I had missed my flatmate's birthday. We were having a meeting at 9pm to talk about the chores of the house. So I got into the computer, googled the word "flowers" and during 10min looked for something that convinced me. If I have had more time, I would have searched for something a little bit better, but I didn't.  Then in 20min I didn't draw those flowers, but a sketch based on them because I didn't have the time to do them perfectly. So decided to trust mi instinct and draw leaves and petals based on the flowers I had on my screen, and the shadows were kind of made up as well because I didn't have time to do them carefully.
At the end it turned up pretty decently. I gave it to her and she seemed to like it, but I'm not sure. At least I tried to undo my little mistake.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Waiting ("Favole: Stone Tears" - Victoria Francés)

The original is not mine. I drew this from a trilogy called "Favole" written and illustrated by the Spanish artist Victoria Francés (The original can be found in page 8 of the first book).
I'm not happy with the plants of the lake, and the tree branch looks a lottel weird, but I love the hair, I think I did the dress pretty decently and the leaves look like they are moving.
I love this drawing for the sensation of she waiting for something, looking to the skyline. Like there is still hope. I don't know. I can't describe it

Monday, November 12, 2012

Fujimi Mig-21

I know, I know, It's been quite a while since my last drawing of a plane, but I've been quite busy. The scanning quality isn't the best because I still need to figure out the scan in the "Computer Pool". This was the best I could achieve with my little knowledge of German and the basic features the scanner in that room has (don't ask why, but it keeps trying to scan a smaller size of the drawing and make it brighter, so I had to put contrast on the picture).
You may not notice, but this plane was done with a different style as the others. I didn't have the pen I normally use for the shadows, and I couldn't find a substitute for it. So I used a regular ball pen, but I had to get used to it, and, as you can see, the drawing has a different look with this Technic  I hope you like it any way. I made it for a friend who asked for it to decorate his room.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

I did this while listening to the song "How Strange" by Emilie Autumn. She is some kind of mixture between a witch and a scarecrow (don't ask me why I know she has something of scarecrow in her because I just know). I made her in 15 min hearing the song over and over. That's why the details are a little fast and the hands are just kind of a sketch: I didn't want to take the time to draw them because they were no important for the drawing itself. Besides, I think this way they fit her better. I think she is pretty and scary in a way. Probably she would give nightmares to little kids, but I like her.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Motorcycle - Hardley Davidson "Fat Boy"

I made if for a friend and I lost the picture from where I did the drawing. I hope you like it.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I want to apologyce, but until I get access to a scan this is the best I can give you. I'll finish it when I pass my german exam, which is Thursday. Hope you'll like it once it's finished.

Monday, September 17, 2012

"Kara" by Quantic Dream

Please allow me introduce you to my new project: KARA. I saw her story, and I had to draw her. Not only like this, but with different expressions. It's going to be tough, but I'm up for it (it's tough because it's neither a drawing, nor a picture, it's half way in between).
As I said I don't have access to a scan yet, so I'll be uploading photos taken by my camera of my drawings of KARA. I hope you like them. So far I've only done the sketch, but once I pass my German exam I'll finish this drawing.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Heroes VI - Mermaid

This Mermaid is a present fro my followers. She is from a game called "Heroes of Might and Magic VI", and inspired the other two original drawings I uploaded of mermaids. I hope you like the touches of red I kept from the original and how I played with the scan's contrast so the whole drawing would look darker, which seemed to suit this mermaid. I love the looks of her.
So, why a present? I'm no longer in Spain. I'm in Germany with an ERASMUS scholarship. I made this before leaving for my parents to have a little present from me when they returned home from the airport, and I scanned so you might have it as well. So I won't be able to upload new drawings for a long time because I won't have an access to a scan for the new drawings I may make. I know I usually don't update that much, and maybe nobody really cares, but I know there is at least a couple of people who do follow my blog even f it doesn't show on the "Followers list" (Yes, I know it is empty). For those who don't know me, but like my drawings I'll still upload some old drawings now and then (some that I scanned before leaving my home), and I may try to either find a scan in my university (I'm sure there must be one somewhere, I just don't know where yet) or maybe take pictures o with my camera of the drawings I make and update those. They won't be as good as a scan, but it will be something until I get to go home and scan the pictures and update them.
I hope you like this Mermaid. I love how she is somehow terrifying.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Fables: The Princess and the Frog

It started out as the drawing of "A Frog's Eye-View" from "Fables: 1,001 Nights of Snowfall", but the eyes looked a little different, actually the whole face was looking similar, but not the same as in the drawing, so did the hair, and when I did the waist was like "I want to do my own view of this!". So I started making more hair and making some loose ends, like it wasn't perfectly combed, then I changed the position of the arms, and put the frog on the ground, so she would be looking at him from above. I kept the way the dress was, but the pattern is different, and the waves on the dress have changed. I made my little version of the flowers, though they still look quite the same. The trees and the surroundings are basically the same as in the drawing, but I changed the distances.
I hope you like this interpretation.
By the way, when I scanned the drawing I make it so it would "restore the colour of a Photo", that's why it looks so weird, but it's because the original I wanted to draw was in green shades. So I thought this might look nice.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Changes on the Blog Appearance

You might realise I changed the appearance of the blog. Yesterday I was playing to "Heroes of Might and Magic" with somebody who is kind of slow in his movements. (For those who don't know this PC game, it is played by turns, so you have to wait until the other have finished his movements to make yours). So I was a little bored and decided to look at my blogs. Suddenly I decided the font was too "standard" (I'd do all my papers on Arial or Callibri, if I was allow to do so). So I tried to change it a little in the "Random Words at Night" blog. At the beginning it was only the title, and then I decided to change other things, and took a look at this blog. I changed the colours, so now it should be a little easier to read the texts from the adds. I tried to use colours that go with the background, but that are strong enough to be seen.I'd ask if you like the change, but I don't think you'd answer. So it's going to stay this way.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Guardian Mermaid

She protects the other mermaid I just uploaded here. I'm quite proud of this drawing. It took a lot to finish and was made during my finals of the first semester. I started the drawing studying for "Electric Machines" on Christmas break I'm not quite happy with the perspective.

Queen Mermaid

The English translation to what it's written next to her is "High Priestess of the Sea Elves". She's from a book I'm writing. I wanted her to look as poisonous as possible, even if she looked a little overloaded. I made her in a hurry because it was made during break I did while studying for "Material Science 2"


I've always wanted to make a drawing of a broken porcelain doll dressed up as an harlequin. This one is actually a little sketch I made when studying for "Material Science 2" I believe. I'll do it again some day, but I put it up in case it serves of inspiration for someone else.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Little Sketches 2012

When I get bored studying sometimes I don't do a big drawing, but little sketches. Candles, flowers (usually roses) and glasses mostly, but also geometric forms such as cubes may appear. I usually keep them when I finish a semester while throwing away all the pages I filled while studying.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Little Fairy B&W

It looks kind of cool like this, I think, but you miss some of the shadows you ge to see in the "grey" scan.

Little Fairy

Sketch of a fairy done while waiting for an oral exam of German. When I do sketches I like to try different things that might look weird, like the wings, but I'm quite happy with the results

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Life Portrait of Gabriel

These last few days I was in Salamanca with a friend, whose portrait you have here. Gabriel was kind enough to stay still for almost an hour reading and writing while I was doing this drawing. So here it is that she has become the first life portrait I've done (besides a self portrait I once had to do for an art class with  mirror). I'm not quite happy with the nose because I think she moved a little while making the shadows, but I love the hair, even though it was quite difficult to do because both the shirt and hair were black and the place where we were didn't have good light.The body looks a little weird, but I decided to leave it as it is because I was taking a little too long to finish it. I want to thank my model, whose signature is on the left side of this picture, for her patient and the wonderful time I had.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Gotye - Somebody that I Used to Know

Now I realice that his eyes are what I find the most fascinating of him. That's why I painted them green and left the rest of the drawing as it was.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Making Gotye

I came to know this "Somebody I Used to Know" thanks to the awesome cover performed by "Walk off the Earth", and I loved it almost immediately. Every time I listen to it I feel inspire.It's such a powerful song! It describes emotions so good. And Gotye's eyes are beautiful, actually it's the way he looks at the camera: so sad, so much emotion into it... So I had to draw him singing this song because I'm addicted to that YouTube video.

Hellboy II - Princess Nuala (Anna Walton)

I think this actress is much beautiful with this make up that in real life. Here she looks so pretty. I really love the princess as well as her brother. I actually love this movie.

Hellboy II - Prince Nuada (Luke Goss)

I absolutely love this character, and his accent, and how he moves. I was in love the whole movie. So I had to draw him

Master and Commander - Tom Pullings (James D'Arcy)

Close to the end of the movie, here is where you can best see him I think.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Basket with Flowers

This is an old drawing I made. The basket is one that we have in my house and the flowers are based on Emilio Freixas' drawings.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


And this is what happens when I'm in weird moods. Angels and fantasy worlds get eaten by darkness. Sci-fi movies and films are my favourites. She's been stock for quite a while actually, but I might finish her when I get back to the mood I was when I first drew her (kind of difficult, but I just need to remember what I was thinking). She's got quite a story ahead, and other that explains her actual condition stuck with so many cables going through her brain...
If you are wondering, the 25 is because I did her while studying for "Fluids Mechanics" and I like to number the pages I've covered studying. I didn't realice I was using a numbered sheet until the drawing was too advanced for me to do it in another page.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Hugh (Jonathan Del Arco)

I said Seven of Nine was not my favourtie borg. That's because Hugh is the first borg that came out of the collective (besides Picard, of course). I'll post the drawing once it's finished.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Roses with pen

i was so bored of flowers I tried doing something different and use a pen. I don't quite like the look of it. Too artificial I think, but it was fun.

Heinkel He.219 A-2/R1

I'm aware three antennas in the front are missing, but I just didn't feel like drawing them. The wings look a little crooked, but I swear they looked like that in the book I drew it from.

McDonnell-Douglas F-15A Eagle

trying a different way to make the shadows. Using the pen as it was pencil. More little soft lines that actually real lines. Just passing by the sheet instead of painting on it.

Spad S.VII

I like World War I planes, they are so elegant. Though, my favourite is the Fokker Dr1 . It was the first model I made, I should draw it some day.

Grumman A-6A Intruder

As you can see this time I decided not go with the silhouette thing again. It made the drawing look a little childish I think.

Sukhoi Su-19

I liked this plane because it reminds me of a F-14. The whole cabinet design has nothing to do with that plane, but the wings configuration reminded me of it. I'm very fond of that plane because I did a model of it. I think I forgot to erase the pencil under the pen.

Vought F7U-3M Cutlass

Here I decided to mark with a bigger pen the silhouette of the plane. Just to make something a little different

Messerschmitt Bf.110 C-1

I even drew the drawing the original plane where the image comes from had because I thought it went so well with the whole design. You can see I was a little more confident with the shadows this time.

Northrop P-61B Black Widow

First plane I drew. Man, I was so scared to do the shadows with the pen

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ghost trapped

I know I was studying while doing this one, but I can't remember for what. I think it was made on around the same date as the girl in the cross. Obviously it was inspired by The Corpse Bride.
She's trapped in that graveyard because of the cross on the top. That's all I know. (The moon was just a little touch of humour).

Girl in Cross

I drew this while studying for Economics. My grandfather was in the hospital. I couldn't stay with him because of my finals. So I kept thinking on him, and I think that's why this drawing has kind of a religious look


Done while doing Stadistics. I think it took like 15 minutes or so. I didn't think what I was doing, so you can see the style is a little different and somethings are weird, like the wings and the hair.
She is a particular vision of a driade. I'm writing a book in which I include her. It's more in contact with nature, not just the trees, that's why she looks half animal half human. I really don't quite know. She looks half naked, but if I had planed this drawing, I would have made it like more leaves or something. I just finished it fast because I had to study, as always


She is not finish yet, but I thought maybe I could put just the face while I wait for inspiration for doing the body. I think I made her while studying for "Resistance of Materials". I failed that test. Lucky for me I did passed the final.