Thursday, November 12, 2015

Fokker Dr. 1 - Manfred Von Richthofen's plane

Instead of drawing a plane, I decided to try a 3D version on paper. I didn't use a template or anything. I picked up some pictures as reference and with paper, a glue bar and patience I built this. It's able to stand on it's own and can be folded to be in a pop-up card, which was my original intention.
I've always liked WWI planes... specially the Fokker Dr1 because of "Flying Corps Gold", a computer flight simulator I used to play when I was little.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Jigsaw Doll - "SAW"

I worked on this guy for a week and a half or so for a friend's Halloween party. The idea being to put it on the entrance to greet people and help people to get into the mood for the party.
I' like to take a moment to say that although I gave the idea for this and volunteered to do it, I absolutely hate this doll. I find the movies boring and discussing, and therefore this doll, being a symbol of the saga, is something I had little fun doing. Why did I make it? Because I thought I could make it cool and it would help decorate this friend's house, a friend that was taking great care in making everyone have an awesome time at his house for not reason other than make people happy. I wanted to help as much as possible to such noble goal, and I did more stuff, but I cannot post it here because it would include pictures of his house.

I'll post later a small tutorial of how I did this doll. However, let me tell you I think it could have been done much better. I had little time and as I said I hated this doll since the beginning.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Banshee - "Starcraft II"

I know this is more of a helicopter... plane-ish, aircraft machine, but I included it in the starships category because Starcraft doesn't always make it particularly easy to tell when you're in space and when on a place with atmosphere. I've always wanted to draw this, since I frist saw it. It looks amazing and it was a blast to draw it. This time my approach wasn't to make it neat, but the opposite. I went with dirty lines, played around with the pen as much as I could... and I love the end result, specially taking into account this drawing is based on a papercraft model someone posted on the internet and not a picture of the computer design.
I absolutely love this aircraft.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Turian Cruiser - "Mass Effect"

I started playing Mass Effect like a year ago, but I had to quit because I had to work on my final degree project. The first and second game were given to me by one of my best friends as a present, and a lot of people has told me I should play them because they're awesome. So I'll go back to them soon.
In the meanwhile, this is the ship a friend who asked me for the drawing of a ship for his room picked... I guess because he really likes Mass Effect.
For this I tried to take advantages of the dark shadows and use the straight lines to give that geometrical look. It's quite an interesting-looking ship. So when I first saw it I had to draw it. My friend seemed to like it a lot when I gave it to him.

Andromeda Ascendant - "Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda"

I tried watching this show, but it was too corny for me. I don't know the whole set was pretty lame and I couldn't see past the first few episodes because I couldn't take it knowing it was supposed to come from the same person who had created Star Trek, although Roddenberry was long dead when this show came out. So I guess maybe he was the one missing from the spirit of this show. I don't know. The ship looked pretty awesome though. So I decided to give it a try, although I have to admit half the time I was just drawing lines and shadows not really knowing what I was doing.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Cylon Ship - "Battlestar Galactica"

I remember watching the first season of this show without the tv movie that comes before it. It was incredibly confusing, but it looked interesting. At the time I had no means to watch the rest of the seasons, or the pilot for that matter, and forgot about it. Now that I had the change I decided to try drawing this cool-looking ships, and it was a blast. I tried to use the same approach as with planes and try to make it look neat.

Starships coming up

Hey! A couple of months ago I was asked by a friend to do a starship to put on his wall to help decorating his room. Because he didn't ask for a specific ship, and past experiences has whown me not to go too big on projects like this with people I don't know too much, I decided to do four different ships and let him choose the one he wanted while I would keep the other three to decorate my room.
This game me the perfect excuse to draw some stuff I've always wanted to draw, have a project that would occupy my afternoons and go back to my drawing. So it was a great experience. I don't have a scanner here, so sadly the pictures I'll upload have a bad quality, but I'll be posting the ships I drew for him.
I had a great time doing them, and I hope you guys enjoy them as well =)

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Color Study: Green Eyes

Here it's a small study of three different sets of green eyes. Marvelous combinations of green, blue, brown and yellow make them so unique.
The people I used as models were:
Sharbat Gula (National Geographic Magazine’s cover)
Jensen Ackles (Known from “Supernatural”)
Angelina Jolie (First known by me when I saw her in “Lara Croft”)

I'd like to do something like this for other eye colors, but we'll see

Saturday, June 27, 2015

A Pin-up for Chris

First, allow me to say I'm against the stereotyping of Latina/Spanish women. This is meant to be a woman surrounded by the things I was expecting to find in the birthday party I was going to.
The birthday party was Latino-themed... and since it was a guy, I thought he might enjoy this drawing, specially because since I didn't know him too well I thought at least he would find it nice. He liked it quite a lot, like some other guests as well.
This is based on a pin-up you can find easily in google, but I decided to make her more attractive, add the tequila bottle and make her hair much more fun. I just wanted s "Latino-themed" pin-up, and I think I pretty much got her right.
I'm quite happy with the final result... and she looks so beautiful and menacing. I like it.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Shattered Gargoyle

Another drawing done while I should be studying... (I passed the exam anyhow).
This one has sort of a story behind it. It always starts with the face, and for some reason this time I just wasn't able to picture her eyes. I put a blindfold and worked around it sketching easily her upper body and right arm. Once again I was unable to see her left arm, so I started working on her legs. When I had the whole sketch done I started going into detail... and decided I wanted her to be naked and be some kind of gargoyle... so I started to do sharp and thick lines... and then, when I was doing the right thigh I decided to do a scratch... and then on the chest, and face and arm. Suddenly I couldn't draw her left arm because she had none, I started to draw cracks and pieces of her missing, so were her eyes and everything.
I'll some day come up with a better and more detailed story, but basically this was a gargoyle meant to protect villages from evil. They are immune to destructive magic because of their skin, but one sorcerer used magic to change the nature of her skin from marble to thin porcelain. She's no longer solid stone, but a porcelain carcass that can not sustain her own weight. Her hair and wings are not made of stone or otherwise she would not be able to fly so easily or have free movement, so that's why they are not broken. Everything else is colapsing, startign with her eyes than the sorcerer broke with a blow to her face with his stick.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Le Manoir des Murmures - Muñoz · Tirso · Montes

We have here an example of great Spanish professionals that have to develop their work in other countries because we do not know how to appreciate them correctly or our industry is not yet developed enough (and probably will never be if we continue this path). This graphic novel was first published in France, although these three creators come from Spain.
"Le Manoir des Murmures" ("La Casa de los Susurros" en castellano) was extremely enjoyable to read and astonishing to a visual level. I loved not only the character and creature designs, but also the scenes and colors chosen to tell this amazing story that was exciting from beginning to end.
Jan and Sarah had such a beautiful friendship I've been wanting to draw something like this since I read the story for the first time.
These are rough sketches based on some scenes from the graphic novel (some are more "creative" than others) and I tried my best to be faithful to Tirso's creations while giving it my style and doing the rearranges that I found fit.
Check out Muñoz's work, who's a writer known by movies such as "El Espinazo del Diablo" (Devil's backbone) and others, and both Tirso and Montes, who are the artists painting and coloring this graphic novel.
I really ask you to read this graphic novel... or at least go check it out. Fantasy and mystery join hands in a dark and yet colorful story that will make you read the whole thing in one stand.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Blue-eye Cat from Tumblr

First drawing here in the UK. I realized I need a lamp because the light I get from the windows or the lights in the ceiling is crap and I almost went blind trying to get the shadows and everything right, although I muss admit I was only trying to capture the eyes, everything else wasn't that much of importance. And I'm pretty happy with the final result... at least taking into account it's been a while since my last drawing.
I should repeat it some day with better light, more time and patience. By the way, as model I used this picture I found in tumblr. Aren't those eyes something?
Sorry for the crappy quality, but I don't have a scanner here, so this is a picture I took with my phone. Unless something changes, I'm afraid that this is going to be the only way for me to upload pcitures in a long time... unless I upload some old ones.
I hope you like it and that you've had a great weekend!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Blanche's return (Sortilèges. Livre 2 - Dufaux & Munuera)

Based on the illustration made by José Luis Munuera in the second book of "Sortilèges" ("Sortilegios" en español). The first appearance of Blanche after the rumors of her death. I liked the badassness of that scene, but I wanted to do my own version of it... an adaptation of Blanche's drawing.
I tried to put more detail in the hair, the face is different, but captures her anger (although the head came out at the end too big for her body), there're more blood stains and I drew some wounds on her (cuts and bruises)... because she seemed to be too "clean" for my taste since she just came back from a battle.
The shadows and blood are made with ball pen, the lines with liquid pen, and I "painted" the leader with pencil to make it look darker.
I hope you like it... and please give it a chance to this comic book... it's pretty neat and fun to read.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Defeated warrior

Her sword just got shattered in pieces... she's been kicked to the ground after her last big battle.
I enjoyed making her armor look weary and, as you can see, trying different positions for her.
Although in a surrender mode, I still think there's some hope left for her... or that's what she thinks, one last chance with the pieces of her sword as a small knife... who knows?

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Cowboy Bebop - Spike Spiegel

I made this bookmark for a very special friend who talked me into watching this anime... and I loved it. I knew this was his favorite character (and probably mine) so I drew this based on different pictures and even screenshots of the show. It was pretty fun to do.